Find the perfect fall decoration, during the perfect fall family outing. Come October, my family, and just about every other family out there, pick a day and head to the pumpkin patch.
Depending on your area this pumpkin patch may be a small family farm that you can stop by after school/work, or it may be a big to do on a large farm, aiming to provide entertainment. Either way the family will have a blast picking out pumpkins to carve, or to set out decoratively.
So many of the pumpkin patches now, are so much more than just a pumpkin patch. Many have corn mazes, bounce houses, hayrides and more. If this is the kind of pumpkin patch you are going to, why not make a day of it. Make sure everyone is dressed in layers for fall weather, pack lunch or snacks, and bring the wagon. I recommend starting the day with the extra activities, and picking out your pumpkins last, but that's only because I don't like dragging those pumpkins around with us all day.
While we usually fill the wagon up with the pumpkins we intend to carve and decorate with, my kids always want to "help" so I like to bring along a small bag that they can carry a small pumpkin or a few gourds in. Our BobbleArt totes are perfect for this! If they get tired of helping, as mine sometimes do, it's easy enough to just toss the tote in the wagon with the rest. Happy pumpkin patching!